lilliputs to grande-early april 2020

The Iris are really getting into their stride now. The Lilliputs in the scree garden were first and were mostly over by the end of the first week of April. Pink Music and purple Spree were first

closely followed by Gingerbread


Joyful Love appeared next on the outcrop above the pond

Joyful Love

Next came Fingertips and Real Coquette

Real Coquette
Real Coquette

last of all Cat’s Eye and Bombay Sapphire

Cat's Eye
Cat’s Eye
Bombay Sapphire
Bombay Sapphire

Meantime the wild dark blue Iris on the bank by the gate have faded to be replaced by yellow and white Intermediates, Tact and Jersey Cream amongst them.

The tall wild, or wild to me, someone else may have planted them before we came, pale blues are also out now

but they don’t really need planting, this bunch came from some rhizomes which I left here when I was thinning out the overgrown clumps on the edge of the bank above the lower cave.

More surprisingly the Grande Iris, the tall bearded, which I never expect to see until May have started. First among them in the Mediterranean Garden, but as I write now 3 weeks into April, flowers are beginning to appear in the bed above the fosse and in the Stone Circle.

Jacque Coeur
Jacques Coeur

Many more to look forward to, provided they survive the now plentiful rain, most welcome after 4 dry weeks.